Yesterday, the Kurdistan Parliament accepted the recent UN Resolution on Iraq by saying "The resolution was positive in mentioning a federal Iraq" without mentioning any Kurdish rights.
People are still very angry and disappointed with first, the Kurdish political parties (PUK & KDP) , second with the Iraqi Arabs, and lastly with the US Bush Adminstration.
The Kurdistan Parliament was set up in 1992 elections. Since then no elections were held in Kurdistan. The MPs do not represent the Kurdistani generation. How can a parliament last for 12 years ? A question most Kurds ask.
People are disappointed because the Kurdish leaders used the "Kurdistan Parliament" as a mean to tell the world that we are very democratic.
When the Americans arrived, ordinary people thought that the Americans will pressure both PUK and KDP to reunite their adminstrations and hold a free general elections. But none of these have happened.
But as some commentators say here, why always blame the Americans ? Now most Kurds have come to the conclusion that blaming USA is not the case. People now blame the Kurdish leaders, who do their best for their own interest, and are disappointed in USA, but USA is not blamed, because simply if the Kurdish leaders had any sense they would have not given so much to someone like Al-Sistani.
One of the Kurdish leaders said yesterday "We sent a letter to Bush, Sistani also sent a letter to Bush...It is very clear who is favoured and who is accepted".
This is the man who BUSH loves and respects :
The man who is respected by Bush, the American president and the freedom and democracy fighter.
Hints : Check out the above link to see if chess, anal and oral sex, and friendship between males and females are forbidden or not.
P.S. I have to throw my CHESS BOARD because Sistani will soon be ruling us. Thanks President Bush ! Nice choice !
Now have a clue why Kurds are so angry ?
This conflict will now stop temporarly. It will arise in January 2005. Until then, good luck everyone !