"They knock you down because you are a friend." Aso Hardi, the editor of my favourite newspaper, Hawlati.
At last someone sums up what I have been talking about for the last 21 days.
Yeah and about Israeli agents working in Kurdistan, I wonder how much Seymour Hersh has been paid by Iran & Turkey to make that story up. Iran & Syria & Turkey's aims are to create anti-Kurdish sentiment in the region, especially from Arabs.
Why Mr. Hersh don't visit Kurdistan and show us a single Israeli agent ?!
Kirkuk Update
Arabs & Turkmens have been involved in fierce fighting in Terkalan, a small village on the outskirts of Kirkuk. The fighting has erputed because some Turkmen refugees have returned to their occupied lands. The Arabs refused to leave. At least 2 people have been killed in the fightings.The fighting continues according to some PUK sources.