Kurdo's World
Kurdistan blogger. Blogging about life in Kurdistan.


Lacunas are sometimes very good. Especially when you are clogged with albatross.

I have called and emailed Jemawer Newspaper about the Mazi store incident. If they reply, I will email it to one of my cronies here.
Meanwhile, for an update from Kurdistan, check out the Northern Iraq website. There is a complete list of bloggers.
Better late than never, (laminal I will borrow this please !) this is BBC's Paul Masson reading this blog and some other friends blogs for the elections. (Thanks Paul !!! ) ...Hehe [nervous laugh] all these name callings by me makes me laugh sometimes..I never thought it would sound like that because I never read out my blog so loud..

I have also turned this blog into a complete library...On your right sidebar, you can find all the news websites (Both in Kurdish & English) and newspapers , tvs, radios, even a chat site (if you had a quick question there is always people to answer)..So when I am not here, you are welcomed to use them...On your left side, a complete list of Iraqi blogs and Iraqi links and news websites.

Oh before my lacuna, one more thing, Learn Kurdish Blog is there, if you want to join, or if you want to read, you are free to do so. I try to get as many people (who speak the language) as possible on that blog so that those who would like to learn the basics of Kurdish would benefit from it.

I will leave the keys in in the plant vase outside the door...Ouuuch that wasn't for you.

So long.

3/01/2005 01:13:00 am :: ::
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