Kurdo's World
Kurdistan blogger. Blogging about life in Kurdistan.

Iraqi Tarzan

The greatest photo of the year. I don't care if they sue this newspaper or not, I don't care if this is against Geneva Convictions.

I personally was scared from Saddam even in my dreams. I have seen this guy in my dreams and I have started to shiver.
To see this man (Sa'ed Al-Ra'es) (Mr. President) as he used to call himself like that in a pair of Iraqi underwear, is the strongest message for all his victims that it is time to live in peace for ever.

I think they should give him a copy of this newspaper to him to totally destroy this man. Hanging this guy isn't a good punishment, but to totally destroy it psychologically is the best punishment for the sake of those in the massgraves.

5/21/2005 03:02:00 am :: ::
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